Monday, November 24, 2008

Results from 2008 CASA auction

Well, the auction is over and it made even more money than last year so I think it's a success. I had 5 quilts in that raised $295 all together. Not bad but someday I'd like to be one of the people who has a single quilt go for over $200 (I've got to have higher and higher goals every year, right?)
I took pictures of all of the quilts in the auction so if you want to take a virtual tour click here.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

2 Down (a million UFOs to go)

I actually finished a couple things last night! These 2 quilts are very small wall hangings (about 8"x 11" I think) but it's still 2 less UFOs in my sewing room! They are raw edge fusible applique from patterns by Carolee Pollock. We will see what tomorrow holds- maybe I have time to finish one more thing before the CASA deadline.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

2008 CASA Quilt Auction

November is the month CASA's for Children has their annual silent quilt auction- the auction is Saturday November 22 this year but their deadline for receiving donated quilts is Nov. 15. So I have 4 days left to try and finish another project or two (I already have a lap quilt and a tablerunner done, but I'd like to turn in more than that.) Here's a little information in case you haven't heard about the CASA organization before:

(from their quilt donation form)
"CASA's for Children is a non-profit organization supporting activities and projects involving abused and negelected children in Alaska. CASAs for Children is dedicated to the support, regognition and continuing education of Cort Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) and promotes public awarness of the CASA Program. Please visit for more information"

It's a good cause and I always have high hopes of turning in several projects (thus reducing the amount of UFOs taking up space in my sewing room at the same time) but what usually happens is I miss the deadline by a few days and end up saving them for the next year's auction. Lets hope this year turns out a little differently =)